Leave you wanting more...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Only because it's SOOO late will I only post a few, but its killing me!! I have to at least give a taste of these yummy (yes I said yummy) engagements... because they are total EYE CANDY!!! Kylee and Rodney you know I love ya!! Thanks for making my Saturday blissfully sweet!! :)Not enough is it?! Don't worry, there's more!! :)


Blakely said...

You did really great on their engagement pictures! They are such a cute couple! You are very talented!

jessica said...

Way way cute! love them!

Amanda said...

ooh! i love your location and HOT couple! love it love it!

Suzanne Plant said...

Great job Brittany! You are sooo good!

Crystal Nelson said...

How many people can make WEEDS look good? I love your pics Brittany!!!!!

Oakstream Photography said...

Oh sweetness girlie!!!! I love the cattail shots. SUPERB!!!!! They are SMOKIN HOT!